Occasion: Flavours of Malaysia
Prawn Noodles Set

Nutrition Value in 1 Serving

Set Meal
- Prawn Noodles
- Diary Product 150 ml UHT milk
- Fruit3 sliced (30 g) Pineapple
- Fruit2-3 nos Green grapes
Heat water, boil the medium prawn until cooked and let it set aside to cool. Peel the skin off and grind the peeled skin with the same boiling water until fine and strain with a strainer. Keep the stock for the gravy later.
Grind the cooked prawn meat medium with some water until fine and set aside.
Heat oil, stir-fry the blended ingredients until fragrant, then add in the peanut powder, chili sauce, tomato sauce and chili paste.
Add prawn stock and the grinded prawn meat into the pot. Stir it for a while before adding in mashed sweet potato.
Season with TUMIX® and Seri-Aji®. Let the gravy boil and thicken a bit.
Add the large prawn to the gravy and let it cook.
To assemble the prawn noodles, put noodles in a bowl and top with the large prawn from the gravy and all other accompaniments. Pour in the prawn gravy into the bowl.
Ready to be served.