Occasion: Flavours of Malaysia
Kung Fu Flat Rice Noodles Set

Nutrition Value in 1 Serving

Set Meal
- Kung Fu Flat Rice Noodles
- Mango Lassi
- Fruits3 cubes (30 g) Dragon fruit
- Fruit2-3 nos Green grapes
Method for Kung Fu Flat Rice Noodles
For the noodles, beat the eggs in a bowl and season it with AJI-SHIO®.
Put in the noodles, coat it well with the eggs before frying it in a hot wok with some cooking oil, fry it on both sides until golden brown and set it aside.
For the gravy, heat the cooking oil and fry garlic until aromatic, add in the prawn, squid, chicken and fish cake. Fry until cooked.
Add in the water and all the vegetables. Let it simmer first before the gravy thickens with diluted corn flour.
Season it with TUMIX® and AJI-SHIO®.
To assemble it, lay down the fried eggs coated noodles in a plate and pour in the gravy on top of the noodles.
Sprinkle some spring onion, fried onion and red chili to complete the looks. Ready to serve.
Method for Mango Lassi
Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend it to a smoothie consistency.
Serve it cold.