Tuaran Noodle with Chicken Char Siu



Ingredient: Chicken Char Siu
Ingredients A: seasoning (Chicken Char Siu)
Ingredients: Noodle
Ingredients B: seasoning (combined)



Combine all seasoning (A) in a bowl. Add in chicken meat. Marinate for a few hours to allow flavour to develop well in the meat.


Heat a non-stick pan with a little oil. Place marinated chicken meat over and allow frying until meat is cooked through. Remove and leave aside for 5 – 10 minutes. Cut into thin slices.


Heat up wok with 3 tbsp oil until hot. Fluff up noodles and throw into the wok. Spread out the noodles and let them fry for a short while before moving them around with a pair of chopsticks to get an even frying. Turn over the noodles and fry briefly. Dish out onto a plate.


Next boil a pot of water then put in the fried noodles (Do not add too much at a time.) Keep the heat high and stir the noodles gently. Dish out and drain well.


Heat up another wok with 2 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp sesame oil. Pour in the eggs and once the eggs are half-cooked add siu pak choy and noodles. Toss well with seasoning (B). Toss briskly.


Dish out and add char siu slices, chopped spring onion and red chili slices to garnish.


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